My husband has been trying to make me go through our containers that have our memories. We each have a few boxes from our childhood that our parents have given to us, while they have the rest. We are trying to downside/digitize our memories to give us more space. We currently live in a two-bedroom condo with a two-car garage, but most likely in the next year, we will downsize. To make going through memories a little more interesting, I thought an easy themed day would be going back to the '90s. We were both born in 1988, so during the '90s we were still kids. During this themed weekend, I kept it in theme with our favorites from being kids. Spoiler alert, there will be a lot of junk food. Because why would I want to relive Tuna Fish Casserole (sorry mom).

As I think about this, this could be a great weekend for families! It will allow you to relive your childhood memories with your children! You can talk about all of your favorite games that you played or the technology you used (or lack of technology). My favorite computer game was the old school Oregon Trail! I also played a lot of Barbies, pretended to be a school teacher, and played many games of Uno!
The '90s started a lot of great programming, but for this weekend, I wanted to relive it before I turned 13. So much of that weekend will be late child, pre-teen years. Think about the times you had sleepovers with friends. You might have dressed up as the Spice Girls at one of your birthday parties and danced in the front yard with your friends. Yes, I was Baby Spice in one of my mom's dress slips, and no there are no photos (not sorry). You can also easily do a teenage year of the '90s by watching more 'adult' programs. Just think of your best memories from the '90s, the rest will probably come very easily!
Our main dish was Manwich with Tator Tots. I actually had bought the Manwich a few weeks prior because it would spice up our normal meat dishes and it was cheap. I was surprised when I posted the photo on Facebook, I received many responses that people are still eating it regularly. I spiced mine up with putting a thin layer of grated parmesan cheese and not overdoing it with the amount of meat I put on my bread (I only eat any meat in small amounts).

The rest of the day we snacked on junk food. Plus how could we forget Pizza Rolls! Although it has been my lunch of choice during quarantine, it is still so good (and a cheap lunch)!

Do any of you remember those jars of Welches that you could turn into glasses? Luckily mom still had a few of Winnie the Poo and Looney Toons! I also remember during the '90s if you bought special combo meals at fast restaurants they had a special collection of glasses from popular upcoming movies. I believe we had two of Burger King's 1994 Disney's Pocahontas.
Be sure to check out Ebay or Etsy for childhood memories you wish you could get back!

There are some great stations on Amazon Prime Music if you just search the '90s. We mostly ended up listening to 90s Pop. I was a huge fan of Spice Girls and N*SYNC while growing up!
Our initial activity that sparked our '90s weekend was to go through our boxes of saved memorabilia from growing up. We needed to condense it for future moving purposes, as well as get rid of any duplicates or things that weren't as meaningful anymore. But don't forget about the fun games you played when you were a kid. Of course, there were many board games and Super Nintendo. Many of you or your parents have them buried in the attic or basement. I also remember playing MASH & Paper Fortune Teller! See below for some fun printable PDFs that I designed!

I hope reliving the 90s was as much fun as it was when you were a kid and not having to deal with the stresses of adulthood!